Thursday, November 29, 2007

USU Hosts 28th Annual Black Consciousness Conference

The 28th annual Black Consciousness Conference kicks off today with a talent showcase at the Beach Auditorium.

The three-day event will also include a speaker series on Friday and conclude with a multicultural fashion show Saturday in the University Student Union.

The conference has been organized by the African Student Union in an effort to educate the Cal State Long Beach community on the issues faced by African-Americans and African people all over the world.

For more information :

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Heart of the Union: Michelle Silva

Michelle Silva,the University Student Union Trustee Chair, is one of Long Beach State’s busiest and most influential students.There are four committees in place to help the union run smoothly: Facilities, Service, Campus Relation and Program Evaluation. As Chair, Michelle Silva sits on each committee. Michelle’s duties extend to the upcoming Student Wellness Center, whose committee she is also on. Michelle attends each committee’s meeting, which meet once a month. This totals five meetings a month!

According to the USU mission statement the programs and services of the student union “must enrich students’ lives.” Michelle states “The way the union serves the students is by allowing convenience. For example, the union offers food services because students don’t have time to sit through (fast food) drive-thrus in between classes. Our goal is to create a comfortable more community feel.”

Along with enhancing social experiences, the student union enhances the educational experience by hosting educational workshops, speaker series, and providing meeting space for clubs and organizations. Silva said “We try to balance out the concerts and the speakers. We balance the budget because we are really looking to provide different aspects for students. If they feel a need, we make it happen.”

Michelle Silva has a clear vision for the future of the union. Silva said “As long as the student union continues keeping students involved in the board, it will continue being the best at what students want. The decisions are being made by students. Who knows best about students than students? As long as that (student involvement) continues the union should be in good shape.”

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Gilchrist Visits CSULB

Media Credit: Chay Chhuon


The Campus Coalition against Hate gathered on the lawn outside the University Student Union Beach Auditorium Tuesday to protest Minuteman project founder Jim Gilchrists’s appearance on campus.

Participants of the peaceful press conference displayed homemade signs with various messages. “We did not cross the borders, they crossed us,” read one sign. “We are all immigrants” read another. The signs were part of relaying the Campus Coalition against Hate’s message of supporting immigrant human rights.

“We are against the use of hate speech against immigrants in this country” Daniel Hernandez, La Raza member said “Racists go home!”

Additional Article:

Media Credit:Rahneisha Porter

The line to enter the Beach Auditorium started to form shortly before 11a.m. By 11:15the line had extended down the student union entrance walkway. La Raza passed out red armbands symbolizing “the struggle of oppressed people, a struggle that unites us all".


Jim Gilchrist, founder of the Minuteman Project, spoke Tuesday at the Beach Auditorium before a limited audience, which shrunk to half capacity following a call to walk out on the guest speaker.

Enrique Morones, founder of the San Diego County-based Border Angels humanitarian group, initiated the walkout in his opening statement. Both he and Gilchrist were invited to participate in an immigration debate forum organized by the Conservative Student Union.

"What prompted me to leave is what students had said," Morones told Daily Forty-Niner reporters. "The student body has predominantly told me that they don't want to hear [Gilchrist] speak, so they asked me to walk out.

For the entire article:

Monday, November 5, 2007

Gilchrist to Speak Next Week

Gilchrist will be a guest speaker of the Conservative Union in the Beach Auditorium at noon. He founded the Minuteman Project in 2004, which aims to keep illegal immigrants out of America. But the volunteers that have signed up have been accused as being “vigilantes” with many being allowed to carry weapons and “racist” as some neo-Nazis and white supremacists have joined, which Gilchrist has denied.

But the infamous Columbia University incident still comes up causing skepticism among students.

Jim Gilchrist vs. Karina Garcia, Colombia University Caucus

Jim Gilchrist faces some criticism for attending Cal-State Long Beach as a guest speaker next Tuesday. However, CSULB is about more than one view on campus. It is about a free exchange of ideas. Everyone is welcome.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Student Union Hosts Internship and Volunteer Fair

On Thursday November 1,The Student Union Hosted the 2007 Internship and Volunteer Fair organized by the Career Development Center. The event ran from 11- 3pm in the University Student Ballroom.

At the event students were allowed to visit over 60 employers recruiting for internships and volunteer positions. The Internships and Volunteer Fair had employers available for all of the various majors.

If you missed the Fall 2007 Internship and Volunteer Fair, the upcoming fair schedule is as follows:

Spring 2008 Job Fair Schedule
Engineering, Science and Technology Job Fair - February 28, 2008 - 12pm-4pm, University Student Union

Spring Job and Internship Fair - March 20, 2008 - 12pm-4pm, University Student Union

Ready 4 Hire Job Fair - April 17, 2008 - 12pm-4pm, University Student Union

2008 Education Job Fair - April 18, 2008 - 12pm-4pm, University Student Union

For more information on the up-coming job fairs visit : _search/job_fairs.htm or visit the Career Development Center in Brotman Hall, Room 250.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tanning Salon Idea Extinguished from Student Union's Renovation Plan

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

A tanning salon will NOT be added to the Cal State Long Beach Student Union. Plans to replace the Music Listening Lounge have come to a halt aftrt the potential tanning salon company withdrew its bid. A more version of the Music Listening Lounge will return to the Union. For the enitre story:

Thank Goodness there will be no Tanning Salon! Imagine Cousin Sal could have been a potential worker at the CSULB Tanning Salon!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Student Union Hosts Women's Conference

Hundreds of high school girls gathered in the University Student Union Ballroom on Saturday as participants of the first Young Women's Empowerment Conference. State Senator Alan Lowenthal, a former psychology professor who taught at CSULB for 29 years, is the person responsible for this event. The conference's main goal was to inspire young women to achieve their dreams and promote a never-give-up attitude, Lowenthal said. More on this story can be found at:

This event follows last week's "Coming Out Week". Hopefully, throughout the duration of the semester The Student Union will remain a welcoming place, hosting upcoming events of positivity and outreach.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Coming Out at the Union

The Student Union will host The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center's National Coming Out Week. The events are in conjuction with the National Coming Out. What originally started out as a day of Coming Out awareness has progressed into a week of Coming Out celebration. The entire article can be found at:

On Monday, there will be a presentation in the University Student Union Ballroom A on healthy sexual relationships in college,sponsored by the Student Health Services Health Resource Center. On Tuesday, there will be a panel in USU Ballroom A of guest speakers " in a presentation called "REDEFINED: The Impact of Race, Class, Gender Identity and Religion on Discussions about LGBT Identity.A film screening of "God and Gays: Bridging the Gap", will be shown on Wednesday in USU Ballroom A.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Round Table Pizza Closure Unnoticed

A slice of Round Table Pizza at the Student Union can be pleasant after a long day on the Lower East Side of Campus. That is - if Round Table pizza still existed.

Round Table Pizza closed its doors in August when its lease expired. Before the lease expired Round Table had a few strikes against it already.The limited hours of operation were one issue (The USU closes at midnight and Round Table Pizza closed at 8pm.) Also bad customer service and not being open during posted hours of operation were issues. The poster in a window and the dark space in a corner of the Student Union are all that remain of Round Table Pizza. Students have clearly expresssed the inconvenience the close of The Outpost has brought:, yet the status of Round Table Pizza has gone virtually unnoticed. The Daily 49er and The Union Weekly, CSULB's two major sources of news and information, have not addressed the fact that the Round Table is now no more than a square room.