Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Tanning Salon Idea Extinguished from Student Union's Renovation Plan

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A tanning salon will NOT be added to the Cal State Long Beach Student Union. Plans to replace the Music Listening Lounge have come to a halt aftrt the potential tanning salon company withdrew its bid. A more version of the Music Listening Lounge will return to the Union. For the enitre story:


Thank Goodness there will be no Tanning Salon! Imagine Cousin Sal could have been a potential worker at the CSULB Tanning Salon!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Student Union Hosts Women's Conference

Hundreds of high school girls gathered in the University Student Union Ballroom on Saturday as participants of the first Young Women's Empowerment Conference. State Senator Alan Lowenthal, a former psychology professor who taught at CSULB for 29 years, is the person responsible for this event. The conference's main goal was to inspire young women to achieve their dreams and promote a never-give-up attitude, Lowenthal said. More on this story can be found at:

This event follows last week's "Coming Out Week". Hopefully, throughout the duration of the semester The Student Union will remain a welcoming place, hosting upcoming events of positivity and outreach.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Coming Out at the Union

The Student Union will host The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Resource Center's National Coming Out Week. The events are in conjuction with the National Coming Out. What originally started out as a day of Coming Out awareness has progressed into a week of Coming Out celebration. The entire article can be found at:

On Monday, there will be a presentation in the University Student Union Ballroom A on healthy sexual relationships in college,sponsored by the Student Health Services Health Resource Center. On Tuesday, there will be a panel in USU Ballroom A of guest speakers " in a presentation called "REDEFINED: The Impact of Race, Class, Gender Identity and Religion on Discussions about LGBT Identity.A film screening of "God and Gays: Bridging the Gap", will be shown on Wednesday in USU Ballroom A.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Round Table Pizza Closure Unnoticed

A slice of Round Table Pizza at the Student Union can be pleasant after a long day on the Lower East Side of Campus. That is - if Round Table pizza still existed.

Round Table Pizza closed its doors in August when its lease expired. Before the lease expired Round Table had a few strikes against it already.The limited hours of operation were one issue (The USU closes at midnight and Round Table Pizza closed at 8pm.) Also bad customer service and not being open during posted hours of operation were issues. The poster in a window and the dark space in a corner of the Student Union are all that remain of Round Table Pizza. Students have clearly expresssed the inconvenience the close of The Outpost has brought: http://media.www.daily49er.com/media/storage/paper1042/news/2007/09/24/Opinion/Csulb.East.Campus.Denizens.Starving.Forgotten-2986598.shtml, yet the status of Round Table Pizza has gone virtually unnoticed. The Daily 49er and The Union Weekly, CSULB's two major sources of news and information, have not addressed the fact that the Round Table is now no more than a square room.